Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 1 of teaching plus exploring kew

Today we started off by teaching at Brandlehow. I helped teach 5th grade about starting apples from seed, grafting, and how the apple responds to different seasons. The children seemed to enjoy it and loved the apples that we brought them to taste. I thought it was interesting that one of the students said the apple tasted like a banana. Then we explored the school garden which seemed rather small but there were a variety of different plants.

After teaching we went to Kew gardens. At Kew, we had the opportunity to explore the research labs and herbarium both of which I found interesting since I am interested in doing plant breeding. It was interesting to find out that they look at the chromosome and DNA for taxonomy as well as morphology. We also got to explore some of the other gardens there including the treetop walkway and other gardens. It's been great seeing daffodils, crocus, and hyacins in bloom here because I know they won't be blooming for another 4-6 weeks in Minnesota.  The weather has been 50-60 Fahrenheit which is gorgeous compared to minnesota. Unfortunately,  I don't have pictures at this time because I can't hook my camera up to my tablet but I hope to post some at a later date.

Tonight, after returning Monica and I decided to try one of the apples that are used for cooking here in London called Bramley. First, we tasted raw slices. They were very sour and bitter as you can tell by our faces in the first I took with my tablet. Then we warmed it up for 45 seconds in the microwave which made the apple seem a lot sweeter which is the second picture but it oxidized very quickly.  I'm very excited to teach more and explore some other gardens for the rest of out time in London.

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