Monday, May 6, 2013

Harvesting Microgreens at Champlin Brooklyn Park Academy

Today we harvested our 10 day old microgreens with four 1st grade classes at CBPA.  The kids had a lot of fun.
We started off by talking about plant parts.  We each pulled one microgreen up, roots and all, to look at the plant parts.

First we looked at the roots.  Then we cut the roots off to look at the stem, and we all took a bite.  A lot of the kids thought the stem tasted like carrots.  Then we talked about the two kinds of leave on the microgreens- seed leaves and the first true leaves.  The kids tasted both of these plant parts and talked about what they tasted like. 

Then came harvest time. Each of the kids cut off a pile of microgreens, washed them, and ate them with crackers.  Some of the kids harvested some extras to take home and share with their families.

The microgreens sandwich was a huge hit.  Even the kids who said they didn't like the taste ate a few.  It was definitely apparent that they enjoyed eating them more because they planted them and watched them grow.  I'm sure the kids were also proud to bring some home to share.


Here's our new recipe: a bunch of sunflower microgreens sandwiched between two Ritz crackers.

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