Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Christ Church School

Today we visited a school, Christ Church School, where they had a "secret garden". I really enjoyed working with these students and seeing first hand the excitement that comes alive when you begin to discuss the garden, let alone give them the opportunity to show you the garden. These students were thrilled to learn from us just as much as we were thrilled to learn from them. The students were engaged throughout the entire session with us and when told we were running out of time, they were bummed! We were all shown what a positive experience that is gained through bringing education into the garden and how engaged students are. I was shown today how exciting learning can be for a child and how a little "secret garden" can turn a not as exciting lesson plan into one that they wished never ended.

A little surprise was given to us from a student with a poem he wrote, it read:
You wanted another poem Mr. Bliss
So I decided to write you this
As the wind is blowing
The trees are slowly growing
The apples are becoming ripe
There are lots of different types
We're having people from the USA
They're coming a very long way
The garden will be a real big treat
The new log cabin might be complete

By: George

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem. I showed it to my family and friends when I showed them my pictures from the trip
