Saturday, February 9, 2013

Farm to School

Tim Uhlenkamp, an Agriculture Teacher from Sibley East High School, shared some of his wisdom with us in a Skype interview last Monday.  Among the topics that we discussed was Farm to School and their involvement in the program.  He shared that their school garden feeds up to 90% of the student population in the Fall months.  In addition, he reported that sweet corn was a student favorite. However, tomatoes and squash were popular with the foodservice employees because of their health value.  He is lucky to have such a positive relationship with his school's foodservice because without their support, Farm to School programs can be difficult, if not impossible, to implement.


  1. I wonder if Sibley East has ever considered planting canning tomatoes or storage crops so they can process vegetables to eat in the winter months.

  2. I really enjoyed hearing about Sibley East High School's garden, i thought it was very brave of them to start a school garden when many schools today are cutting back on school activities and programs to save money. I really admired that they have the students outside learning about the plants and gardening and then being able to feed them with the vegetables that they grew. I never had a school that provided those services for their students, i really wish i had grown up in a school where they could have taught me these things. I think it really helps boost the children's self esteem, they learn to have patience and respect for hard work.
