Monday, February 11, 2013

The Evolution of Sibley East's School Garden

Hello all!

I have had the fortune of watching the Sibley East School Garden evolve over the years from its formation to where they are with about two acres of garden that provide vegetables to the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and the school lunch program. The success of the garden has been an amazing opportunity to watch move forward. I was even surprised to hear all the things that Mr. Uhlenkamp had to offer about the program and what is going on over at Sibley East.

The beginning of the garden was started through grants and the support of the wonderful superintendent, along with the work from the students within the agriculture classes. The first year was a great year for trial and an opportunity to learn more about the ability of the soil and the garden plot. Now it has evolved to a full blown operation and they are producing a vast amount of vegetables to provide to the students.

I can't wait to see where the garden goes from here and hopefully I will be able to incorporate some of the contents into a future agricultural education of my own.

If you have any questions, I'd love to hear them!

Vinz Karl

1 comment:

  1. We talked about ways to move forward with Sibley East garden: a school restaurant run by the students; food preservation for year round garden offerings; measuring nutritional difference and changes in students food selections since the garden produce is offered in school; how could Hort 4000 advance Sibley East's school garden?
